International Laughter Day reminds us of the benefits of laughing and takes us closer to the language of our soul – laughter. Since its inception in 1998, World Laughter Day took not much time to gain love from global laugh lovers. Despite its wide benefits, laughter is something we often ignore in our daily lives. Whether for personal stress, social reasons, or professional dignity, most of us think twice to laugh in our daily lives.
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History of Laughter Day
Dr.Madan Kataria, a reputed Indian doctor, suggested the celebration of World Laugh Day. The founder of the Laughter Yoga Club Movement Dr. Kataria put forward the necessity of laughter day based on the principle of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis.
Putting it simply, it is a well-known notion that irrespective of our inside feelings and emotions, maintaining a smile on the face relieves us. The Facial Feedback Hypothesis works on a similar principle. It suggests that facial expressions can have an impact on the overall wellness of a person.
It laid the foundation of Laughter Day, where people are encouraged to laugh wholeheartedly, as it imparts many health benefits.

Significance of World Laughter Day
The practice of World Laughter Day led to the formation of laughing clubs all across the world. The day led to the development of Laughter Yoga, which aims at reducing stress and promotes the overall health of individuals.
- Currently, laughing yoga is practiced in 53 countries.
- There are over 5000 laughing clubs globally dedicated to promoting the principle of laughing and its benefits.
- Dr. Kataria’s work The Laughing Yoga is widely popular and has been translated into many global languages.

Health Benefits of Laughing
Though the study on Laughing Yoga is limited, there are proven health benefits of a hearty laugh.
- Laughing is contagious. As said, “Laugh and the world laughs with you”, a person’s laughter can boost happiness hormones in the individuals nearby.
- Laughing dispels negative thoughts and emotions. It is a superb way to increase immunity and kick away depression.
- Laughing releases pain-alleviating hormones. Thus, laughter is a natural painkiller.
- Laughing burns calories. A hearty laugh for 15 minutes can burn around 40 calories based on the intensity of the laughter.
- Laugh releases endorphins – the feel-good hormones. They are mood lifters, and hence even when you are in pain, trying to laugh can make you feel good.
- Laughing is good for heart health. It is also a facial exercise and prevents aging and the formation of static wrinkles.
- Laugh boosts the circulation of oxygen all over the body. Thus, it instantly relaxes tired muscles.

Ideas to Celebrate World Laughter Day
This World Laughter Day, here are some ideas to celebrate so that you can spread your contagious laughing vibes by laughing wholeheartedly.
Watch cute baby videos: Nothing can be truly beautiful than a baby’s innocent laugh. Watch cute baby laughing videos on World Laugh Day and relax with a hearty laughing session.
Watch comedy shows, cartoons, and movies: Watch comedy movies and shows and enjoy World Laughter Day with happy laughs.
Tickle your children and sweetheart: Tickling is a beautiful form of bonding. Surprise your children, sweetheart, and parents with tickling. Unfortunately, we cannot tickle ourselves as our brain knows that we are the ones doing it. But surprise tickles trigger instant laughs and destress the individuals. Don’t miss it on this World Laugh Day.
Laugh with memes: Memes are the modern way to have fun in unlimited doses. Share memes with your dear ones on this laugh day and spread smiles.
Read comedy stories and books: Take your favourite cup of hot brew and lose it into a comedy novel or book. Enjoy the reading session that brings along hearty smiles. It is one of the best ways to celebrate the world laughing day.
Have dialog competitions and joke-telling sessions: Conduct comedy dialog-telling competitions among your friends and family. Have a hearty laughing session for an hour in the world laughing day evening, kicking away the stress of routine life.
Explore laughing clubs: If you are not a member of a laughing club yet, explore for one near your residence and join on this world laugh day. Why not gain the benefits of laughing daily? After all, isn’t laughter the best medicine?
Work on your sense of humour: Having a healthy sense of humour is a gift. If you are gifted with it, use it to bring smiles to others’ faces. If not, you can always learn tips and improve your levels of sense of humour.
Reorganize your living space: On this international laughing day, add a dose of laughter to your living space. Put posters, home décor items, and quirky pics that will help you to laugh when you need one.
Celebrate International Laughter Day with an emoji cake: At the end of the day, do not forget to end your International Laughter Day celebrations with a laughing emoji cake!
Send laughing gifts: Remind the health benefits of laughing to your dearest persons. Send them laugh-based gifts and bring a smile to their face.
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Laughter Gift Ideas
Right from quirky coffee mugs to tease your brother, to fun quotes, posters and joke books, here curated some beautiful and funny gift ideas to make the international laughing day more meaningful.
Facts about Laugh
- The study of laughing and its effects on the body is called Gelotology.
- Babies laugh about 300 times a day while adults around 20-30 times.
- The sound “ha ha ha” and “he he he ” is the result of diaphragm spasm when we laugh.
- Laughing is one of the very few common signs that anyone in the world can understand.
- Our body has to work hard to frown or show anger. It takes less effort to laugh.
- Do you know? The sound a burst of laughter makes is not found in any language!
- Laughter is not only a human thing! Even dozens of animals do laugh. Chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans are shown to laugh just like humans do.
- Some people have a phobia for laughter. The fear of laughing is called gelotophobia.

Quotes on Laugh
- “To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it.” – Charlie Chaplin
- “As soap is to the body, so laughter is to the soul.” – Jewish Proverb
- “Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” – Lord Byron
- “Trouble knocked at the door, but, hearing laughter, hurried away.” – Benjamin Franklin
- “Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.”― Veronica Roth
- “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” ― Charles Dickens
- “If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.”― Robert Frost
- “I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh.”― Maya Angelou
- “The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” ― Mark Twain
- “People will laugh: with you, or at you. Your choice.”― Sarvesh Jain
- “Only the person who laughs at themselves has the right to laugh at others.”― Marty Rubin
- “Tears can heal a mind, as well as laughter.”― J.K. Rowling
- “Add some humour and laughter too into life. Only an apple won’t help.” ― Meghna Sodha
- “There will be tears in the best of times and laughter in the worst.” ― Marty Rubin
- “Laughter is the only medicine in the world that can’t be purchased at the pharmacy.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
Share us a joke through comments and bring smiles on this international laughing day. We wish a happy world laughing day with a b iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gggggggggg smile!!!
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